First Day Reflections - Thunderbolt and Lightning; Very, Very, Frightening

Monday, June 16, 2008

Firstly I guess I have to state upfront that I came to the course to have a break from work. Not exactly the right mindframe to attend lessons.

When Dr Quek mentioned that the coursework includes starting and managing a blog (30% of grades), I can not see the relevance of this method of learning "How to Improve the Learning Environment" in a military context. Will keep an open mind on this though, since we are in the era of internet banking and credit card information is sent throught the internet regularly, SAF surely can find a way to give their officers access to classified material through the internet (hopefully during my lifetime).

During the lessons, I discovered that I have the commanding type of management style, shich is hardly surprising. Some stuff to digest from the lessons which may make interesting reading would probably be on Herbert Walberg & Rudolf Moos, and more on the inter-relationships between Lewinian's formula and Murray's needs-press model.